Best_Games 127
- 640 - Red Baron
- 635 - Full Throttle
- 630 - Cannon Fodder
- 626 - Command & Conquer
- 622 - Armored Warriors
- 618 - Final Fantasy
- 615 - E.T. Phone Home!
- 610 - Golly! Ghost!
- 606 - Gunstar Heroes
- 602 - Star Wars : Dark Forces
- 598 - Populous
- 593 - PaRappa the Rapper
- 590 - The Irritating Maze
- 585 - Money Puzzle Exchanger / Money Idol Exchanger
- 582 - Asteroids
- 577 - SubSpace
- 574 - Retro Game Challenge (GameCenter CX: Arino no Chosenjo)
- 571 - Shatterhand (Tokkyū Shirei Solbrain)
- 568 - Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Treasure of Tarmin
- 564 - Elevator Action Returns
- 559 - Dead Connection
- 557 - Silpheed
- 553 - Area 51
- 550 - Duke Nukem 3D
- 547 - Half-Life
- 543 - Driver : You are the Wheelman
- 539 - Final Fight
- 535 - Choplifter!
- 527 - Pitfall II
- 524 - Warlords
- 522 - Pang
- 518 - Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo
- 516 - Lode Runner
- 512 - Street Fighter Alpha for the Game Boy Color
- 509 - Cameltry
- 505 - Dig Dug
- 501 - Bagman
- 498 - Karate Champ
- 493 - Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
- 490 - Sydicate
- 486 - Mass Effect (1, 2, and 3)
- 483 - Puzz Loop / Zuma
- 480 - Aliens TC Doom Mod
- 476 - NHL 96
- 470 - Mortal Kombat
- 463 - SSX 3
- 460 - Gunblade NY
- 458 - Bushido Blade
- 452 - Trial Bike
- 450 - Death Rally
- 445 - The Outer Wilds
- 442 - Moto Racer
- 434 - Burnout Paradise
- 429 - Police 911 - The Keisatsukan
- 424 - Batman: The Video Game
- 420 - Karateka
- 416 - Metal Gear Solid V
- 413 - Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back
- 408 - Trackmania
- 402 - Saints Row IV
- 395 - Dragon's Lair
- 384 - Chrono Trigger
- 380 - Beat Saber
- 367 - Worms 2
- 363 - The Fighting Fantasy Book Series
- 354 - Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution DS
- 352 - UNO
- 345 - Forza Motorsport
- 341 - Pac-Man
- 332 - Tony Hawk's Pro Skater
- 327 - Landmaker
- 323 - Marble Madness
- 317 - Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis - The opening credits
- 314 - Doom
- 311 - Super Sprint
- 306 - Excitebike
- 303 - Missile Command
- 301 - Tetris
- 294 - River Raid
- 290 - Commander Keen
- 285 - Guwange
- 282 - Wipeout
- 277 - Gauntlet
- 271 - Asteroids
- 256 - Qix
- 246 - The Outfoxies
- 240 - The Oregon Trail
- 237 - Centipede
- 225 - World Heroes 2
- 222 - Dolphin
- 219 - One Must Fall 2097
- 215 - Might and Magic Clash of Heroes
- 213 - Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath
- 208 - The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
- 204 - Smash TV
- 199 - Aero Fighters/Sonic Wings 2
- 195 - Star Trek : 25th Anniversary and Star Trek : Judgement Rites
- 192 - Puzzle Bobble / Bust a Move / Puzzle De Pon / etc.
- 190 - Virtua Fighter
- 184 - Worst Games - Sonic Shuffle
- 174 - Waku Waku 7
- 161 - Penguin Kun Wars
- 156 - Aztec
- 153 - Unreal Tournament / Quake 3 Arena
- 148 - Descent
- 134 - Street Fighter 2 Champion Edition
- 120 - The Last Starfighter
- 113 - Black Tiger
- 107 - DoDonPachi
- 100 - Battlezone
- 087 - Last Blade and Last Blade 2
- 084 - Artillery
- 080 - Shogo Mobile Armour Division
- 074 - Pengo
- 067 - Beyond Castle Wolfenstein
- 062 - Robotron 2084
- 058 - Wing Commander
- 053 - Alpha Centauri
- 050 - Megamania
- 046 - Bubble Bobble
- 042 - Trio the Punch
- 037 - Toy Pop
- 031 - Enchanter
- 025 - Star Control 2
- 017 - Encounter!
- 008 - Puzzle Uo Poko
- 004 - Magical Drop 3