153 - Unreal Tournament / Quake 3 Arena
Best Games - Unreal Tournament
Launching at the tail end of 1999, Unreal Tournament became the first in the series to focus exclusively on multiplayer combat. Building on the success and popularity of its predecessors multiplayer mode, this entry in the series opted to make it's single player experience a progression of, tutorial like, battles against AI bots. Defeating waves of bots while mastering the game's unique arsenal of weapons was meant to lead the player into the real meat of the game, competition against real human opponents.
Unreal Tournament included the most popular modes from earlier titles, Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, and Capture the Flag, but also added new variations. More importantly, Unreal Tournament was user moddable. Through built in, and external tools, creating modifications for the main game, or even creating completely new games, was possible. New game genres, and new game studios were born as hobbyists transitioned from amature mod makers to professional game developers.
Unreal Tournament wasn’t just a great game, it launched scores of game industry careers. It is still played today by hardcore devotees, but the real legacy of Unreal Tournament is the impact it has had on the entire game industry.
Unreal Tournament is one of the best games.
Best Game - Quake 3 Arena
Launching at the tail end of 1999, Quake 3 Arena became the first in the series to focus exclusively on multiplayer combat. Building on the success and popularity of its predecessors multiplayer mode, this entry in the series opted to make it's single player experience a progression of, tutorial like, battles against AI bots. Defeating waves of bots while mastering the game's unique arsenal of weapons was meant to lead the player into the real meat of the game, competition against real human opponents.
Quake 3 Arena included the most popular modes from earlier titles, Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, and Capture the Flag, but also added new variations. More importantly, Quake 3 Arena was user moddable. Through built in, and external tools, creating modifications for the main game, or even creating completely new games, was possible. New game genres, and new game studios were born as hobbyists transitioned from amature mod makers to professional game developers.
Quake 3 Arena wasn’t just a great game, it launched scores of game industry careers. It is still played today by hardcore devotees, but the real legacy of Quake 3 Arena is the impact it has had on the entire game industry.
Quake 3 Arena is one of the best games.
Launching at the tail end of 1999, Unreal Tournament became the first in the series to focus exclusively on multiplayer combat. Building on the success and popularity of its predecessors multiplayer mode, this entry in the series opted to make it's single player experience a progression of, tutorial like, battles against AI bots. Defeating waves of bots while mastering the game's unique arsenal of weapons was meant to lead the player into the real meat of the game, competition against real human opponents.
Unreal Tournament included the most popular modes from earlier titles, Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, and Capture the Flag, but also added new variations. More importantly, Unreal Tournament was user moddable. Through built in, and external tools, creating modifications for the main game, or even creating completely new games, was possible. New game genres, and new game studios were born as hobbyists transitioned from amature mod makers to professional game developers.
Unreal Tournament wasn’t just a great game, it launched scores of game industry careers. It is still played today by hardcore devotees, but the real legacy of Unreal Tournament is the impact it has had on the entire game industry.
Unreal Tournament is one of the best games.
Best Game - Quake 3 Arena
Launching at the tail end of 1999, Quake 3 Arena became the first in the series to focus exclusively on multiplayer combat. Building on the success and popularity of its predecessors multiplayer mode, this entry in the series opted to make it's single player experience a progression of, tutorial like, battles against AI bots. Defeating waves of bots while mastering the game's unique arsenal of weapons was meant to lead the player into the real meat of the game, competition against real human opponents.
Quake 3 Arena included the most popular modes from earlier titles, Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, and Capture the Flag, but also added new variations. More importantly, Quake 3 Arena was user moddable. Through built in, and external tools, creating modifications for the main game, or even creating completely new games, was possible. New game genres, and new game studios were born as hobbyists transitioned from amature mod makers to professional game developers.
Quake 3 Arena wasn’t just a great game, it launched scores of game industry careers. It is still played today by hardcore devotees, but the real legacy of Quake 3 Arena is the impact it has had on the entire game industry.
Quake 3 Arena is one of the best games.
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