The Room​Twist turn slide revealThe appearance of puzzles.Much more. Mysteries
The Room​Twist turn slide revealThe appearance of puzzles.Much more. Mysteries
I am roughly 45% composed of nostalgia at this point. I fully expect to continue on this trajectory and transmute into pure nostalgia sometime in my 90s. For a few decades, I will be little more th...
Best Games - Waku Waku 7Waku Waku 7 walks a fine line. Everything about the game is a send up of the fighting genre. Still it manages to be a competent fighter. The characters are thoroughly ridicu...
I don’t know how you were first introduced to Shakespeare, but it was probably taught to to you in school, and it was probably taught to you wrong. The collected works of William Shakespeare ...
One of the advantages of writing these posts every week is that I have an instantly searchable record of all the dumb things that I thought over the past few years. Maybe that’s a disadvantag...
Double jumping. Simple really. You contract the muscles in your legs, storing energy. You drive as much force as you can muster down into the ground and while raising your center of mass. You lift ...
Yesterday I sat nestled in the back of a classroom designed to accommodate dozens of students with just three other people. Joel Barr, Logan Cooper, Scott Wilson, and myself teamed up to create the...
I’m not an artist. You might think that someone who spent the better part of the last couple decades making stuff, pictures of stuff, pictures all lined up in a row and played back at 30 per ...
Best Games - Sid Meier’s Pirates!Imagine there was a game made up almost entirely of minigames. Strike one. The minigames are repeated a bewildering number of times. Strike two. The bulk of t...
I played Bill Budge’s Pinball Construction Set some time in the mid 80’s. I don’t remember exactly when, but I do know that it was on a friends computer, and I do know that it was...