564 - Elevator Action Returns
Best Games - Elevator Action Returns Elevator Action is a classic arcade game from 1983, where you play as a spy infiltrating an office tower. Your mission involves ascending that tower to search ...
Best Games - Elevator Action Returns Elevator Action is a classic arcade game from 1983, where you play as a spy infiltrating an office tower. Your mission involves ascending that tower to search ...
During the Alberta Game Jam, Kyle Nissen and I created this nightmare. You are tasked with cleaning a set of teeth that will not stop chomping down on trash food.You can play it here.https://itch.i...
​Everything I have ever learned about logo design, I learned by tracing. I’ve dealt with a lot of logos. I’ve probably only designed a few. More than ten, less than twenty, m...
Neon Noodles, the game I did most of the art for, came out in full release this week. I think you should play it.You can find it hereSteam https://store.steampowered.com/app/990900/Neon_Noodles__Cy...
This is some concept art I am working on. The game project this is for is a retro-pixel top down affair. The character won’t look like this in-game. It will look more like this. ...
Best Games - Dead ConnectionThe attract mode for Dead Connection opens with a screen that says Taito Film Presents. So far as I can tell there was never an official division of Taito called Taito F...
I have been sort of off and on with the game project recently. Between finishing up some polish work on Neon Noodles and getting a couple more stories ready to submit, I haven’t done much wor...
Best Games - SilpheedSilpheed wants to set a mood.The game opens with a few lines from the end of Julius Caesar over a simulated star field.“How many ages hence / Shall this our lofty scene b...
I’m in the cooldown period.Whenever I finish a draft of a story (this is the second of this particular story) I set it aside for a little while before looking it over again. The cooldown peri...
A while ago, I created a method of rendering out fixed direction Normal and Depth information from 3D models in milliseconds, rather than the seconds or tens of seconds that it would take using mos...