There are some very hostile and ugly things going on in some dark corners of video gaming. You can read about it here if you like, http://www.vox.com/2014/9/6/6111065/gamergate-explained-everybody-...
There are some very hostile and ugly things going on in some dark corners of video gaming. You can read about it here if you like, http://www.vox.com/2014/9/6/6111065/gamergate-explained-everybody-...
I steal from the past. There are literally thousands of games floating around out there. Games, books, limericks, bathroom graffiti, and the stunning industrial design of cotton swabs are all crea...
This weekend I took part in Ludum Dare 30. Ludum Dare is a game jam that takes place over a weekend, either 48 or 72 hours, depending on how you want to participate. You can develop a game alone or...
If you have read any of these posts before, you know that I have a serious love/hate relationship with Blender. For all it’s advances and additions over the years Blender still remains one of the m...
The procedural future is coming. There have always been video games with procedurally generated elements. That is, parts of the videogames you play are created on the fly, usually following some p...
You never want to be “that guy”. I know I have been “that guy”. I narrowly avoided being “that guy” a couple of days ago. My family went out to see Guardians of the Galaxy over the weekend. Super ...
This is a video of some shader tests I was doing today. I am using actual assets from Adventure Caddie, so this is a lot closer to the final look of the game than any of the previous screenshots an...
I remember leaning up against the stair railing in my grandmas house. She was watching Star Trek First Contact for the first time. I had seen it twice in the theatre and at least one more time when...
You know that show thing that I was working on, the one where I try to gather a sketch group together to draw, paint, sculpt, animate, or whatever, all while jawing about the stuff that populates o...