

Have you ever watched a wrestling promo? It’s the part during a wrestling show where one of the towering, oiled up dudes wraps a meaty fist around a microphone and shouts angrily at his opponents. ...

074 - Pengo

Best Games - Pengo When I was a kid I would go over to a friends house to play games on his Commodore vic20. I would arrive under the pretext that we were going to play street hockey. Most of the ...


I searched around to find the original illustrator files I used to cut all the pieces for Captain Joystick, but I seem to have backed them up so well I may need spelunking equipment to retrieve t...


I used to build signs. Lots of them. Aside from a couple of detours into advertising and sculpture, I built signs all through the aughts. I learned to use vinyls, acrylics, plastic, wood and alumin...


I started writing a piece about the building of my arcade cabinet, but I think it’s important that I go back a bit. I just need to fill in the parts that let a reader understand why anyone would em...


I started writing a description of the work I was doing to finish off my arcade cabinet. I was only going write about the joystick and button wiring, but as I was doing that I started to get deeper...


This project is underway. Expect future updates. That is all.


My son pronounced aluminum ‘aluminium’. Youtube has become an entertainment medium unto itself in this house. It would likely become the go to viewing option if some people here had their way. Of ...

067 - Beyond Castle Wolfenstein

Best Games - Beyond Castle Wolfenstein Everyone played that 3D shooter. You probably had a shareware disc or a disc with a handwritten label that said Wolf 3D. The one where you ran, gun outstretc...


I’ve had linux installed on at least one pc in the house for the last ten or so years. It will usually be some old, or underpowered machine that I can prod back to life. Sometimes I’ll have a dual ...