

I’ve been very slowly working my way through this amazing book, Art of Atari put together by Tim Lapetino. Every single page reveals a new beautiful image that I have to study for a few ...

219 - One Must Fall 2097

Best Games - One Must Fall 2097The early 90s were the era of the fighting game. Entire arcades could be filled with nothing but fighting game machines and they would still draw a crowd. It was...


Well, it’s 2017 now. I have been thinking about branching out a little on here for a while. This blog started as a development blog, because I thought that was the thing you did when you...


As I am writing this on Christmas night, I would just like to wish everyone a happy and healthy holiday with family and friends. Also, I spent most of yesterday immobile with illness, so I don...


Dev Update!Believe it or not I have been doing some small amount of game development these last few months. In a sporadic fashion I reopen my project, consult my sparse documentation to see wh...

215 - Might and Magic Clash of Heroes

Best Games - Might and Magic Clash of HeroesDuring the reign of the nintendo DS a cavalcade of excellent games poured out of development studios and onto that small, two screened console. Many...


I’ve been tracing. Sometime late in high school I decided not to copy other artist's work. It wasn’t any sort of moral stance. I didn’t feel like I owed Erik Larsen an apol...

213 - Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath

Best Games – Oddworld: Stranger's WrathGames that try to do too many things are usually failures. It's the kitchen sink approach. The developers try to put a little of everything into th...


This past Thursday I put together a presentation for the local game developers group. I said a couple months ago that I would do something based around animation. I had done a simple rundown o...


I want to talk about fear. None of us is fearless. Fear is a great driver of human nature. Fear caused us to congregate in groups and tribes to ward off large predators. Fear moved us to harne...

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