

For both of these I tried to paint more like I would with regular paints. Laying down daubs of color and pushing and pulling them around on one layer rather than creating masks and layers like...

408 - Trackmania

Best Games - TrackmaniaYou could learn how to race a car. You could study every minuscule technical detail that makes one car perform better than another. You could master aerodynamics and the...


This past weekend I participated in the Alberta Game Jam. Game creators from all over the province convened over Discord to put on this remote version of the game jam. While I usually find the...


Did some editing and rewriting over here. This story isn't fully working yet, but it's getting better. Probably needs another pass or two. and maybe some structure changes. and maybe some more...



I sort of want to talk about machine learning and intelligence. I spent a bunch of time over the last few weeks messing around with Unity’s machine learning tools. I won’t be ...


The wizard sits.The wizard reclines, luxuriating upon the fabric of the universe pulled taut. Seated on a product of their own will. The imposition of their desire on local space. A type of ca...

402 - Saints Row IV

Best Games - Saints Row IV Let’s get this straight right off the jump. Saints Row: The Third is the best game in the Saints Row series. Volition made two games that could be fairly ...


The first draft of the new story is complete and up over here. There will be revisions, but it's a story start to finish.


I was about nearing the end of this short story when I realized that the story isn't actually about what I though it was about. I think this is probably a pretty common occurrence. Scripts oft...