I’m watching women’s Olympic Hockey as I write this. Earlier today, I watched Slopestyle snowboarding. Before that, we watched some Super-G skiing, and some Big Air Skiing. I like ...
I’m watching women’s Olympic Hockey as I write this. Earlier today, I watched Slopestyle snowboarding. Before that, we watched some Super-G skiing, and some Big Air Skiing. I like ...
Best Games - Puzz Loop / ZumaThis is a tough one. I think Zuma is one of the best games of all time, but its core concept is also lifted from another game, Puzz Loop.The problem I have, is that Puz...
Quite a few years ago, I decided to write something and post it up here at least once a week. So every week for at least four hundred and eighty-two weeks, I wrote (and occasionally drew or painted...
After I did NanoWriMo I took a bit of time off. I put the files away and didn’t look at any of the words I wrote for a good couple of weeks.I think that’s a pretty natural impulse. I ha...
Best Games - Aliens TC Doom ModI realize this isn’t a game. No. I’m not going to go that far. It is a game. It is a fully formed game. Not a wholly original work, but that’s ...
I’m almost done editing up one story, and I have another that is about fifty percent done. I don’t know if they will find homes anywhere, but I think at least one of them is pretty &lsq...
tap and twitch long pasttime and money frantic spentgone without regret​
I finished a game this week. I was glad to have played it, but I was sad to have finished it. The DLC for the original Outer Wilds, Echoes of the Eye. It’s a DLC that is so substantial t...
Best Games - NHL 96I don’t play a lot of sports games. I have definitely dabbled. The odd baseball or football game. Maybe a basketball game or two. Many car racing games. I have always prefe...
So I did it. I wrote a little over 50000 words in one month. Here is the postmortem.I guess I’ll answer the two main questions that I had going in.The first question I had was simple. Could I...