I’m in the home stretch. Only a couple thousand words until I hit 50000 for NaNoWriMo. I don’t know if what I have written can be made into something good, but, right now, it seems likely. There is...
I’m in the home stretch. Only a couple thousand words until I hit 50000 for NaNoWriMo. I don’t know if what I have written can be made into something good, but, right now, it seems likely. There is...
NaNoWriMo continues. might post some of it later. Maybe.
I'm halfway through NaNoWriMo so I barely have any words left. With the laws of word supply and demand so totally out of wack these are the most expensive words I'll write all year. That's why ther...
For the past week I have been doing NaNoWriMo. In that time I have written a little over 12000 words. The challenge is to reach 50000 by the end of the month. As long as I don’t suddenly lose...
Best Games - Mortal KombatMortal Kombat is a bait and switch.I have talked about Mortal Kombat here a lot. I bring it up when referencing other fighting games. I mention it in passing when ta...
So this past week I sold a story. It’s pretty exciting.I’m going to do something here that I haven’t done in over 450 posts. I’m going to ‘reprint’ an old post f...
I'm gonna try to write a novel. Probably a bad one. I definitely won't be doing any editing. It won't be polished. It might not make sense. I'm gonna try anyway.I have side-eyed NaNoWriMo (as well ...
For the past few months I have been trying to sell stories. Sell is a bit of a stretch I suppose. All the outlets that I have been sending them too would not have paid me much for them. In terms of...
This is a picture. I made this picture. This picture gives me anxiety. There is a state that all drawings and paintings go through that can be best classified as “unfortunate”. ...