Global Game Jam 2013 Over this past weekend I had the honor of working with this talented and dedicated team of people. From the looks of this picture we are all well hydrated. In just shy of ...
Best Games - Joust rhythmic flap of wings one press to cheat gravity van art in motion
10000000, ideas, and open development When I played 10000000 two things went through my head. First, this game is brilliant. It is simple and accessible enough that my whole family could play it, ...
A little bit ago, my oldest son said he wanted to program something. While the thought of passing on my love of techno geekery had me overjoyed, I knew that there was no way he would stay focused l...
Closing out 2012, I figured it would be worth it to have a think about the year. Not really self reflection, I do enough of that, and it’s pretty dull for anyone who isn’t me. I think I’ll just go ...
Best Games - Puzzle Uo Poko I’ll just get this out of the way right off the top. Whatever you do, do it to the full extent of the jam. If the perpetual hilarity of the of the warning scre...
This is my close approximation what Adventure Caddie will look like. Have you ever had an epiphany? “What sort of hyperbolic nonsense are you treating us to today, you ridiculous goof?” you m...
Modelling with Owen If you’ve read any of these posts you will notice that my initial intent to write about the development of a game fell off pretty much instantly. I figure I’ll write about what...
The illusion of racing I really enjoy racing games. Racing has a built in drama and tension that requires nothing more than increasing speed and an opponent. The opponent is optional. Foot racing ...
Best Games - Magical Drop 3 Every colour is sharp and vibrant. Staccato notes sing over a bouncing march. It sounds like joy. You play. Your moves are quick and precise. The tones rise with each ...
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