I'm working on this customisable, action figure, type character. I did a few drawings, worked on a model, then did some more drawings to refine things that weren't working. You know what, I co...
I'm working on this customisable, action figure, type character. I did a few drawings, worked on a model, then did some more drawings to refine things that weren't working. You know what, I co...
Best Games - World Heroes 2Fighting games are intimidating. Four to six buttons, a dozen or more characters, different systems with split second windows of execution. The hardcore fighting game fan...
She had packed the box carefully. All things found their place. Some smaller bits drifted down to the bottom, while the larger, more cumbersome, items settled where they would. Nothing took any mor...
When I started creating this Best Games series, I really just wanted to advocate for good things. I wanted to celebrate joy and the hard work people put into creating these strange digital toys. So...
How was your weekend? Me? I sat down with some great people for a couple of days and we made a game.http://globalgamejam.org/2017/games/nektons-journeyA huge thank you to Paul Cooper, Logan Cooper,...
I’ve been very slowly working my way through this amazing book, Art of Atari put together by Tim Lapetino. Every single page reveals a new beautiful image that I have to study for a few minut...
Best Games - One Must Fall 2097The early 90s were the era of the fighting game. Entire arcades could be filled with nothing but fighting game machines and they would still draw a crowd. It was not ...
Well, it’s 2017 now. I have been thinking about branching out a little on here for a while. This blog started as a development blog, because I thought that was the thing you did when you want...
As I am writing this on Christmas night, I would just like to wish everyone a happy and healthy holiday with family and friends. Also, I spent most of yesterday immobile with illness, so I don't re...