

Making graphics for games is a bottomless task. No matter how deep you dig, you will always find more. More to learn. More tools, more tasks, more ways to build, and more ways to screw up. I watch...


I was going to write something about game dev and making graphics for games and how there are so many layers and intermeshing systems at work that it’s amazing anything ever gets made. I stashed th...


I like working with fonts. That should probably come as no surprise. I was, after all, a designer of signs and posters and banners, etc. for years. Working with fonts is a big part of the job. Lear...

626 - Command & Conquer

Best Games - Command & Conquer In the mid to late 90s, if you were playing games on a PC you probably played some Real Time Strategy games. They were the in thing. The fresh new genre. We had...


I have been using obsidian for notes and writing for a couple of months now. I’m surprised. Normally, when I’m using a tool like this, I would have found all sorts of limitations and problems by no...


I have been following Formula 1 pretty casually for a decade or so. I’m a fan, but not really a super dedicated one. I usually watch the highlights, check the championship standings, follow some of...


Work on my own game does continue. I promise. It’s just slow. Recently I swapped the base shader that is applied to most objects in the game. This is the bit of code that tells the computer how to...

622 - Armored Warriors

Best Games - Armored Warriors / Powered Gear - Strategic Variant Armor Equipment Capcom may not have invented the beat ‘em up genre, but you could probably argue that they perfected it. From arou...


Recently I have been doing a lot of work with shaders. If you are unfamiliar, shaders are little programs that typically run on computer and console graphics processing units. They tell the GPU how...


So this is week two of using Obsidian to write these posts. It’s just a tool, so using Obsidian hasn’t really changed how I write. I have used a lot of different word processors and WYSIWYG text e...