For the past few months I have been trying to sell stories. Sell is a bit of a stretch I suppose. All the outlets that I have been sending them too would not have paid me much for them. In ter...
This is a picture. I made this picture. This picture gives me anxiety. There is a state that all drawings and paintings go through that can be best classified as “unfortunate&rdq...
I played a game that reinforced an opinion I have. I know, super scientific. I have, and will, substitute this opinion for actual research.It’s a simple thing, but since this is more or ...
Best Games - SSX 3The first SSX game was a banger right out of the gate. It could easily be in the running for a ‘best games’ write up. It had a solid but sort of complicated trick...
I have been writing here for over ten years. Something like eight years of that has been once a week. Almost all of it I have done alone. Like, of course all the typing was done by me. Th...
This is where I would usually post part of a story I’m working on. Since it seems I can’t do that if I ever want to sell the thing, instead I will write this short blurb. I ha...
Best Games - Gunblade NYSome games just fill their niche perfectly. Simple, concise. No extraneous bits.Gunblade NY is built to a spec.You want a shooting game. How about if you never have to ...
This weekend was the Alberta Game Jam. You know what I did. I didn’t do the Alberta Game Jam. I thought about it. I registered for it. I forgot about it. I noticed a message about i...
Best Games - Bushido BladeOne perfect stroke. Perfectly timed. Perfectly executed. That is what we are told wins a sword fight. I don’t know about you, but I don’t ever plan o...
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