

We have a concept around these parts called ‘good stupid’. More to the point, stupid exists on a gradient between ‘bad stupid’ and ‘good stupid’. I’m ...


I don’t title any of these posts. I don’t title any of the stories I have written and posted here. I realize that can be a bit annoying if anyone was trying to find a particular po...


So I wrote a few more pages in the longer story I have been working on thinking that this new stuff would directly follow the stuff that I have already posted. Of course it’s not nearly ...


AKA Changelog 0003I realized the other day that I hadn’t written a changelog in quite a while, like since last september. Until quite recently I have been working on other contracts and ...

277 - Gauntlet

Best Games - GauntletArcade games from the early 80’s are either so simple that the rules of play are apparent just by looking at the screen, or they are so abstract that it’s a pu...


No new story or chapter this time. I’m still writing (and rewriting) the next part and I swear there is a plan. Well like 80% of a plan. The other 20% I’ll figure out when I get to...


Okay. That's chapter one. I think. It's a very early chapter at the very least. I won't post updates on this story every week, but I will post every new chapter. If you have any suggestions, q...


Once again the globe game jammed and I helped. According to the Global Game Jam site, more than 40,000 people in 109 countries formed teams to make games over the weekend. Computer games, boar...


a small bit of progress. At this pace I'll be done in a decade or so. I'll post updates on this story from time to time, but maybe not every week. “Hold up. I see one. Due south.&rd...


A few weeks ago I started on a story. I got a short way into what I thought was the introduction, when I realized that, not only would this story be larger than my previous ones, but that wasn...

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