A lot of small changes over here while I work on the scenes and changes in other parts of the story. I'll be lifting out entire chunks and rewriting them to make the story flow better. I've been wo...
A lot of small changes over here while I work on the scenes and changes in other parts of the story. I'll be lifting out entire chunks and rewriting them to make the story flow better. I've been wo...
I wrote some later scenes, but haven't patched them into the story yet, because I don't really know where they go. I'll puzzle that out and try to get them in there in a few days. In place of ...
Best Games - Pac-ManThere are a lot of games that I tend to shy away from when I write one of these. Games that are so universally loved, and commented on, that it’s difficult to find anythin...
For the second week in a row, all the new writing is going on over here. It's still very much in an alpha state, so I don't actually recommend reading it, but you know, you can if you want. Next we...
​Changed some stuff o​ver here. The writing, editing, and rewriting continues.
I'm going to post up writing of a different sort today. I have reworked the rules of the board game I have been making. I reworked them so hard that I removed the 'board' aspect of the game entirel...
As this story approaches the end of 'episode 1' I have been going back over the writing, and like you might guess, I hate most of it. I'm told this is normal. This is to be expected. The good news ...
I wrote a short sketch that I put up over here, but I will also post it below. Hopefully the html doesn't get too screwy on your browser. Title: Battle Wagon Author: Owen McMan...