At the end of these story competitions it is customary to write a summary of all of your stories and how you arrived at them.
While I do enjoy reading other writers summaries, I really don’t like writing them myself.
I always sort of figure that I wrote the story, people read the story, that’s the end of it. If they want to tell me that they read the story, great. If they want to ask me anything about it, less great. Either I won’t have an answer, or worse, the answer I have won’t be very satisfying. It will probably be something along the lines of “oh, I lifted that particular bit of the story from an episode of Go-Bots”. And I don’t think that will be what most people are looking for.
I like to take concepts that I have seen in other media, and then rework them to be more grounded or more human. That’s about it. I do come up with new things along the way, or sometimes I might start with a “what if this anime went a different way” and then build from there, but I just don’t think knowing that makes the experience of the story any better.
That said, I will finish writing my summary, because I know that I enjoy reading other peoples, so maybe someone will enjoy reading mine.