

Well, I signed up for the weekend story writing competition again. It’s not for a few weeks, so I have time to back out if I want to.

I did consider that, instead of writing new stories for the contest, I would still block out that time for writing, but I would go back to some older stories that need a punch up. Try to finish more of them. Maybe even send them out and try to get them published. That seems like what I should do with these stories, right?

I have a small handful of stories that are a handful of edits away from being ready to submit somewhere. I have a few others that need some major reworking, but I haven’t given up on them yet. I think I only have a couple that I have firmly given up on. They will never see the light of day. I don’t think I even want to read them again to see if they could be fixed. But that’s okay.

There is a mild feeling of guilt that creeps in when I think about writing for one of these contests. It’s the thought of going to work on something new when there are perfectly good stories that still need attention siting, neglected, in a folder somewhere. Then again, the boost in general productivity I always have after working on one of these contests, or a game jam, is absolutely a real thing. So it might be the case that I need to shake off some cobwebs before I start back into those stories.

I don’t really have any answers. Who knows. I guess, either way, I’m going to be writing a bit more in January.

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