

I was going to write something about game dev and making graphics for games and how there are so many layers and intermeshing systems at work that it’s amazing anything ever gets made. I stashed that post for a later date.

Today, I’m just going to complain about snow for a very brief moment. It snowed this morning, so I had to shovel the driveway and sidewalk. Then my kids bus didn’t show up, so I drove them to school. Slowly. I will have to shovel the snow again later today and probably several more times this week. It’s difficult, but I don’t think I would want it any other way.

There was a brief window in my life where it looked like I might spend an entire winter without seeing snow. I did end up catching the end of the snowy season, so I can still say I have never not known snow.

Snow can be a hassle. It makes a lot of thing harder. I will still ride my bike through it. I will still go out and walk in it.

So maybe I will complain about snow, but I’m not sure what I would do without it.

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