Transcript Page GC Hello Caller. You’re on the air. What’s your name and what’s your question? Caller(m) (Tom) Yeah hi. Glenn, hi. I’m Tom. Uh, I have a Haswing trolling motor ...
Transcript Page GC Hello Caller. You’re on the air. What’s your name and what’s your question? Caller(m) (Tom) Yeah hi. Glenn, hi. I’m Tom. Uh, I have a Haswing trolling motor ...
A short little story. October is the month for scary things, so I thought this little idea that I had been playing with might fit. From crevasses and the dim crooks of tree roots we creep. Fro...
Best Books - The Broken Earth series by N.K. JemisinWhen I started doing Best Games posts, it was in an effort to advocate for good things. There so very many folks who like nothing more than to ha...
a cycle ceaselessbuild, test, rebuild, test anewdev feeds one master ​
Best Games - Qix There are very few games that are so distilled, so conceptually pure, that adding anything at all reduces them. They become less perfect. Less good. Qix is the concept of risk v...
I have changed the enemy system to use a combination of NavMesh and internal collision avoidance. The enemies can still be knocked around using the physics system and they can overshoot targets whe...
Done. Well sort of done. I wanted to write a story where two people go for a walk. That's it. No heroics. No omens. No moral. No lessons learned. Just a walk. In a cave with a monster. So far, what...
This is Changelog 0001. I’m creating a new series of posts that should go up at least once a week. Changelog will be a quick writeup on the state of game development over here. It’s mor...
I thought that maybe this would be that last entry, but it looks like there will probably be one more. If you have been waiting for the end, you can probably skip this iteration. The line shuf...
we're still not at the end. Might be a couple more entries. Let me know if this 'a little at a time' writing schedule is too jarring. I could imagine that most people would like to just read the wh...