

For the past week I have been doing NaNoWriMo. In that time I have written a little over 12000 words. The challenge is to reach 50000 by the end of the month. As long as I don’t suddenly...

470 - Mortal Kombat

Best Games -  Mortal KombatMortal Kombat is a bait and switch.I have talked about Mortal Kombat here a lot. I bring it up when referencing other fighting games. I mention it in passing wh...


So this past week I sold a story. It’s pretty exciting.I’m going to do something here that I haven’t done in over 450 posts. I’m going to ‘reprint’ an old p...


I'm gonna try to write a novel. Probably a bad one. I definitely won't be doing any editing. It won't be polished. It might not make sense. I'm gonna try anyway.I have side-eyed NaNoWriMo (as ...



For the past few months I have been trying to sell stories. Sell is a bit of a stretch I suppose. All the outlets that I have been sending them too would not have paid me much for them. In ter...


This is a picture. I made this picture. This picture gives me anxiety. There is a state that all drawings and paintings go through that can be best classified as “unfortunate&rdq...


I played a game that reinforced an opinion I have. I know, super scientific. I have, and will, substitute this opinion for actual research.It’s a simple thing, but since this is more or ...

463 - SSX 3

Best Games - SSX 3The first SSX game was a banger right out of the gate. It could easily be in the running for a ‘best games’ write up. It had a solid but sort of complicated trick...


I have been writing here for over ten years. Something like eight years of that has been once a week. Almost all of it I have done alone. Like, of course all the typing was done by me. Th...

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